OUT Spoken Segment Host Donna Sachet is a tireless fundraiser and LGBT Community advocate. She has served as national spokesmodel for Smirnoff Twist Vodka, on-air co-anchor for the SF Pride Parade for 3 years on KRON-4 and WB20 television, writes a bi-weekly column for the Bay Area Reporter, appeared as spokesmodel for the Halloween in the Castro promotion for the last 3 years, and can be heard on the musical holiday CD Carols Across America. More >>>
OUT Spoken Creator, Commuity Producer and Host Tim Gaskin is a segment producer and co-host of Comcast's most recognized and awarded show Inside City Limits which has been a San Francisco stable for over twelve years. His show on Houstbusters for Bravo premieres second-quarter of 2005. More >>>
OUT Spoken Segment Host Dr. Betty L. Sullivan is founder and editor of Betty's List. She brings a rich background in media, education and community organizing. Since relocating from Washington, DC in 1995, Betty has specialized in PR and marketing for the LGBT community. She has produced, coordinated and appeared on live teleconferences for ABC, PBS, The Discovery Channel, Annenberg/CPB Math and Science, The New York Times and others. Betty's List contributes its support to OUT Spoken as a community service. More >>>

Donna Sachet
Tim Gaskin

Dr. Betty L. Sullivan