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www.SFCDMA.org |
San Francisco Council of
District Merchant Associations |
Dedicated to the promotion, preservation and enhancement of San Francisco's Business Community |
Small Business Resource Guide
The seven member Chartered Small Business Commission (SBC) was established to respond to and advocate for the needs of small businesses. The SBC functions as the city's central point of information and referral for small businesses located in the City and County of San Francisco . By championing "business-friendly" policies, the SBC works to support and enhance an environment where small businesses can succeed and flourish. Great resources for starting a new business in San Francisco and news on local legislation affecting small business owners. |
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent federal agency established by Congress to assist, counsel, support and protect the interest of small business concerns and to assist them in their start-up and growth. SF District Office is located in downtown San Francisco in the heart of the financial district. 1997 marked the opening of the Business Information Center and Entrepreneur Center opened directly across from the district office. In addition to the SBA's financial guarantee programs, these centers provide businesses with the tools for enhancing and growing their businesses. |
Since it's creation in 1984, the San Francisco Small Business Network (SBN) has served to promote and defend the interests of the small business community of San Francisco . Representing 19 member organizations, and over 19,000 affiliated businesses, SBN provides a clear and unifying voice for small business in San Francisco . |
Small Business California is a proactive, non-partisan business advocate whose only agenda is the well being of California ’s 1,137,584 small businesses. SB-Cal is focused on government reform in the critical areas that impact California small businesses the most, including: healthcare, workers compensation, workforce development, Government regulation, energy, and access to capital. |
San Francisco Business Information (sfbizinfo) is a premier source connecting businesses to City. This innovative program is designed to simplify the process of doing business in San Francisco , from hiring and employment needs to tax information and incentives. |
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SF Prospector is an interactive City site where businesses can now obtain economic, planning, geographic, and demographic information in real time via the web. This new application allows users to view, create, and print maps; perform site selection searches; and customize and analyze demographic and business data. |
Economic Impact of San Francisco Small Business
There are approximately 60,000 small businesses which represents nearly 90% of all San Francisco businesses. Small business employs over half of all San Franciscans and is currently the only business segment that is growing and generating new jobs. This informative and comprehensive report was prepared for Cal Insurance. |
Asian Pacific Islander Business and Information Services (apiBIS) is a new business assistance program which focuses on the specific language, cultural and technical needs of Asian and Pacific Islander ethnic-owned small businesses. apiBIS is funded by the Mayor's Office of Community Development and these services are provided to San Francisco-based small businesses at no cost. |
Golden Gate Business Association (GGBA) began as the nation's first business organization founded by gay and lesbian entrepreneurs. For thirty years, the GGBA has served as a dynamic voice for the Bay Area's LGBT businesses. |
The Mission Economic Development Association (MEDA) is a community-based, local economic development corporation located in the Mission District of San Francisco. MEDA provides small business technical assistance, loan packaging and advocacy targeted at minority and women-owned businesses in the Mission. |
Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center is a non-profit organization that provides small business training and support services to women and meArea; by helping them to start or grow their own businessn throughout |
the Bay, Renaissance promotes lasting economic development for individuals
and communities that traditionally have not had access to capital and business
support. |
The San Francisco Center for Economic Development (SFCED) works collaboratively with the city and county of San Francisco and other like-minded organizations to promote a thriving economic climate by attracting and retaining businesses in San Francisco and promoting a business friendly environment. Find information on locating a business in SF or demographics by neighborhood. |
San Francisco Small Business Advocates |
San Francisco Small Business Advocates (SFSBA) is a political action committee consisting of San Francisco small business owners. Its mission is to promote and protect the interests and needs of small business through education, and by supporting public policy, candidates, and legislation that promote and sustain a vibrant small business community in San Francisco , California , and the United States. |
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is your source for free professional consultants in Marketing, Management, Financing, and more... |
Urban Solutions is a nonprofit economic development corporation that helps neighborhoods attract, retain and grow community-serving and job-creating businesses. |
Women's Initiative for Self Employment is a nonprofit organization serving high-potential, low-income women who want to start or expand their own business. |
PO Box 225024
San Francisco, CA 94122
Jim Maxwell
(415) 441-0848
Past President
Rolf Mueller
Inner Sunset
Vice President
Royce Vaughan
Aaron Strauss
Robert Roddick
Noe Valley
President Emeritus
Walter G. Jebe, Sr.