The Golden Gate to San Francisco's Online Business Directory
San Francisco Concierge Services Murder Mystery Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal

Please fill out the form below and a representative will contact you shortly.

Please provide the following contact information:


Day Phone:
Evening Phone:
Web Site:
The best way to contact you:
The best time to contact you:
What are you planning?
Type of meeting and or event:
One Day Event: Multiple Days: How Many Days?:
Why are you having the meeting/event?:
Have you had this kind of meeting/event in the past?
Yes: (Please Describe)
When is the meeting/event?
Date (s):
Alternate Date (s):
Time (s) with number of hours:
Where is the event going to be?
Which Bay Area City?:
Outside of the Bay Area in:
Who are your guests? (Co-Workers, family, friends, etc.)
Please fill in type of guests here:
# of Adults: Age range of adults:
# of Children: Age range of children:
# of Couples:    
Describe any special needs:
(Wheelchair accessibility, etc.)
Do you need Sleeping Rooms?
Yes, for # of nights:
Number of Rooms:
Type of location for Sleeping Rooms: (Please check)
Beach Resort:
Conference Center with Sleeping Rooms:
Yacht Club or Cruise Ship:
What kind of location do you prefer for your meeting/event?
Will more than one location be needed during your event? Yes: No:

- Please Check All That Apply -

Attraction or Theme Park Boat or Yacht
Country Club or Sports Facility Garden or Park
Historic Building or Ballroom Hotel
Mansion Museum or Gallery
Private Home Private Club or Bar
Restaurant Retail Complex or Shopping Center
Theatre Waterfront Location
What are your transportation needs?
Will you need transportation for more than one day? Yes: No:

- Please Check All That Apply -

None - people will drive Parking needed
Airline Car Rental
Ferry or Boat Limousine
Motor Coach Motorized Cable Car
Motorcycle or Scooter Public Transit
Taxi Train
Activities or Services Needed
Will you need any of the below for more than one day? Yes: No:

- Please Check All That Apply -

Adventure Programs Advertising Specialties or Gifts
Audiovisual - Video Banners, Flags, Signs
Bartenders Casino Rental
Catering Costumes or Formal Wear
Decorations DJ or other Dance Band
Entertainment Fireworks
- Clowns Florist, Plant Rental
- Comics Game Shows
- Magicians Golf
Invitations Large Inflated Games
Maps Music - with Musicians
Party Supplies Photographer
Props or Rental Equipment Production - Sound & Lighting
Registration and Name Tags Spa, Massage
Spouse Programs Theatre Party
Tours - Air Tours - Shopping
Tours - Balloon Tours - Sightseeing
Tours - Bay Cruise Tours - Walking
Tours - Historical Tours - Wine Country
How much do you plan to spend?
Estimated budget for whole event:
Estimated cost per person:
What you need from us?
An Estimate:
A Full Proposal:
A Sample Contract:
Suggestions or Help with Planning:
Date you need a response from us
Date Response Needed:
Date decision will be made and by whom
Date decision will be made:
Final decision will be made by: (please check)
You alone: Your boss: Committee: Family:
Is this event a surprise or secret?: Yes: No:
Do you already have some parts of the event under contract?
Yes: (Please List Here)