Marina Merchants Association
A Unique Partnership


The MMA in collaboration with a local San Francisco company, has joined resources to provide our membership with the best of both worlds; an extensive Merchant Association website, and an affiliation with a 3,000+ page website covering all the neighborhoods of San Francisco, including the website for San Francisco's Cruise Terminal,

Hosting Services is the hosting company for our Association website: They are a local company and have been providing website services to both individual businesses and merchant associations since 1999. Yes, we "Shop Local"!

Internet Visibility

A recent survey shows that over 70% of folks now use the internet to find local business and services. Now is the time to get listed!

MMA Membership Benefit -
All members of the MMA will receive a listing of their business and a link to their website through our Merchant Association website: This can be found in our Membership Directory.

Every link to your website improves your search engine "popularity" and we are offering this as an exclusive benefit to our membership. -
Each member will also be listed on the Marina Business Directory of This gives you additional website exposure and includes your business category, business name, address, and phone number. Here is the link to that directory: Marina Business Directory on

Additional Advertisement Opportunities has achieved top search engine placement and currently enjoys over 65,000 visitors per month to their website.

Through this unique partnership, the MMA will receive advertisement on every web page of the Marina Business Directory on (Note the logo on the upper left hand side)

As an additional MMA benefit, all members may apply up to $125.00 of their membership dues towards the standard advertisement rates offered by

If you would like to explore these options, you may follow this link: Advertise with or call 415-517-4293.




Marina Merchants Association
2269 Chestnut Street, #235
San Francisco, CA 94123

MMA President
Amanda Botelho
PlumpJack Group
Phone: 415-346-5712
Email: Amanda Botelho

Memberships and Affiliations

San Francisco Council of District Merchant Associations

The Marina Merchants Association is a co-sponsor
of To view
other neighborhoods within
San Francisco, please visit:

Photos & Virtual Tours
The Marina Merchants Association is pleased to co-sponsor a photo tour of our neighborhood.

Visit - Marina Neighborhood, Sites & Attractions