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       PARISH STAFF         

Rev. Zachary Shore, Pastor
Rev. Thomas Hayes, O.M.I., In Residence
Rev. William Young,
In Residence
Rev. Mr. John Bettencourt, Pastoral Associate
Kathy Carey,
Director of Religious Education
John T. Oddo, Director of Music
Brian McLauchlin, Administrative Assistant
Mary Geracimos, Bookkeeper
Regan Chapman, Exec. Dir. MHR Support Grp

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Justice and Peace Committee strives to create an awareness of justice issues based on Catholic social teaching.  It raises consciousness through projects that respond to local and global needs.

St. Vincent De Paul Society, through prayer, discussion and social action projects, (food and clothing drives, for example) responds to Christ's call to serve the poor, homeless, sick and all people in need in our parish and surrounding community.

Social Committee sponsors and supports social events that bring the community together.  Special projects response to the needs of the parish, including the preparation and distribution of gifts and food boxes at holiday time.

Legion of Mary is a Catholic lay apostolate dedicated to personal sanctification and to evangelization.  Responsibilities include home visiting and care of the sick and elderly.

Our Lady's Sodality is a spiritual and social group for women of the parish.  The sodality gathers monthly for prayer and discussion, and assumes responsibility for care of the altar linens and sanctuary furnishings.

HIV/AIDS Outreach

The M.H.R. AIDS Support Group is a special ministry to those with HIV disease, and to their friends and loved ones.  The Support Group provides practical, emotional and (when requested) spiritual support services, through trained volunteers and facilitated small groups.

For further information, phone 863-1581 or visit their web site at:





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