MMA Application

Dear Neighbor and Fellow Merchant,

As current President of the Marina Merchants Association (MMA), I would like to personally invite you to join the MMA and become an active Member. Our goals for this year are both positive and aggressive, including:

  • Provide quarterly advertising promoting Marina businesses.
  • Provide access to monthly Board Meetings open to all Members and keep the Association informed of events and actions affecting businesses in the Marina.
  • Create a positive environment for business to business networking via social events and mixers to allow members to improve business relations within the greater area.
  • Work to develop a pilot parking program with DPT to improve parking in the Marina.
  • Increase our membership to better represent a true cross section of local merchants.
  • Support new businesses that will help to preserve the charm and character of the Marina.

For additional information, please contact the MMA President, Jim Maxwell, at (415)-441-0848 of the MMA Treasurer, Jordanna Thigpen, at (415) 409-4743.

On-Line Application
Please provide us with the following information:

Marina Merchants Association
On-line Membership

Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
  Please choose one of the following options:
(Be sure your selection reads "Yes")
Small Business ( 8 or fewer employees) $125.00
Large Business ( 9 or more employees) $175.00
Non-Profit $75.00: All Non-Profits must submit their Tax ID #
Tax ID #
Only submit Tax ID if you're are non-profit
Description Please provide us with a maximum of 2-3 words that describes your business.

Upon submission of this form, please send your payment to:

Marina Merchants Association
2269 Chestnut Street, #235
San Francisco, CA 94123

Please check this form for accuracy before hitting the submit button. Thanks!


Marina Merchants Association
2269 Chestnut Street, #235
San Francisco, CA 94123
Phone: 415-441-0848
Email: [email protected]

James G. Maxwell
Architects II

Memberships and Affiliations

San Francisco Council of District Merchant Associations

Join the Official
Marina Business Directory

MMA Members receive a substantial discount! For rate info, email:

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