Potrero Hill Association of Merchants
and Businesses (PHAMB)
On-line Application
Dues are as follows:
$90.00 per year (Single Business)
$45.00 per year (Each additional business under same ownership.)

All Fields Are REQUIRED Unless Indicated As Optional

Please provide the following contact information:
  Contact Phone:
  Fax: *Optional
Please provide the following company information:
  Street Address:
  Address (con't): *Optional
  Company Phone:
  Web Address: *Optional
What is your company profile?
  # of FT Employees: *Optional
  # of PT Employees: *Optional
  Are you a Non-Profit: Yes No
Complimentary Website Listings
  As a member of PHAMB, you will receive the following complimentary business listings on these websites:

PotreroHill.biz - Membership Directory
This is our merchant association website. You will receive a membership listing of your category, company name, address, phone number and a link to your website.

SFmerchants.com - Potrero Hill Business Directory
This is our web hosting company. You will receive a neighborhood business listing of your category, company name, address, phone number, a 3-4 word description, and a link to mapquest.
To receive the above website listings, please provide the following:
  Business Category:
Link to MapQuest?
Yes No
(4 Words Maximum)
Complimentary Neighborhood Guide Listing
PHAMB produces an annual printed Neighborhood Guide featuring all of our members. To be included in this guide, we need you to provide us with a 25-30 word description of your business:
Payment Options

Dues are as follows:
$90.00 per year (Single Business)
$45.00 per year (Each additional business under same ownership.)

Pay by Check: (Please click if paying by check)
Potrero Hill Association of Merchants and Businesses
1459 18th Street, Box #105
San Francisco, CA 94107

Pay On-Line: (Please click if paying through PayPal)
Submit your payment via credit card through our secure PayPal account.



Potrero Hill Association of Merchants and Businesses (PHAMB)
1459 18th Street, Box #105
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 341-8949
Email: [email protected]

Keith Goldstein
(415) 282-9800

PHAMB is a co-sponsor of SFmerchants.com. To view
other neighborhoods within
San Francisco, visit:

Photo Tour
The Potrero Hill Association of Merchants and Businesses is pleased to co-sponsor a photo tour of our neighborhood.

Visit SFmerchants.com - Potrero HIll Neighborhood,
Sites & Attractions