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Just Because ...
Gift & Card Shoppe
Invitations, Greeting Cards, Gifts, and more!
One of the newest additions to the West Portal Neighborhood, Just Because ... Gift & Card Shop provides the right mix of must haves and everyday essentials, keeping our customers coming back for more!
Just Because… is a one stop gift giving shop. In our bright and cheery ambiance you can find a gift for anyone on your list … including yourself!
Greeting Cards
Our card shop ranges from traditional to independent, serious to sarcastic, warm and fuzzy to cool and sophisticated. We have it all. Here are just a few of the lines we carry: Hallmark, Shoebox, KOCO, MikWright, MeriMeri, Quoteable, Waste Not Papers, Caspari, and Dolly Mama.
Throwing a party? Just Because… is your place. Create your own invitations with bulk papers on hand or select from a wide variety of invitation lines. We also provide you with one-on-one attention so you can create the perfect invitation. You're party is sure to be a success!
Goodie Bags
We will custom design goodie bags for your special event. Please call us for details.
Business Services
Just Because… also offers business services. Our card sending service is a must have for any busy professional. Forgot an important date lately? Birthday? Anniversary? Let Just Because… help you remember. We set up a calendar for the entire year filled with all your important dates and get the cards out on time so your important people know how special they are to you.
Just Because ...
Gift & Card Shoppe
162 West Portal Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94127
Phone: 415-566-4483
Email: Just Because ...
Gift & Card Shoppe
Hours Monday - Saturday
10:00am - 6:00pm
Open Sundays beginning
October 22, 2006
West Portal Merchants Association
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Photography by: Melissa Dodd Photography