
Next General Membership Mtg: Tuesday, June 10 at 10 am

Featuring a discussion with the Police Department regarding plans for the new police building at 17th and De Haro.

Plus, a discussion on the proposed aerial spraying for the light brown apple moth (see below). 

And updates from members and the annual Board election. Please join us at Goat Hill Pizza at 10 am!

Reminder! Upcoming Member Mixer! 

Thursday, June 26, 2008 from 4-7 pm at the Pub at USCF Mission Bay

Enter a drawing for Giants tickets if you arrive before 6 pm!

  • Meet your neighbors!
  • Network with local businesses!
  • Enjoy great complimentary food and drink from the Pub!

RSVP to [email protected]!

Upcoming Muni Meeting - Tuesday, June 24, 7 pm

PHAMB and the Potrero Boosters will hold a combined meeting to discuss changes to Potrero Hill Muni service on Tuesday, June 24 at 7 pm at the Nabe (Southern Heights @ De Haro). Representatives from Muni will be in attendence. For more information on Muni's plans, visit: www.sftep.com.

Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) Aerial Spraying

The State is proposing regular aerial spraying over urban, residential areas - including Potrero Hill - in order to neutralize the light brown apple moth. There is concern that this pesticide is carcinogenic and could negatively impact small businesses in SF. Our June 10 Member meeting will feature a speaker on this issue. For more information, click here.

Get involved! Join a PHAMB Committee!

PHAMB currently has three active committees: Membership, Marketing, and Government/Planning. We are currently looking for active members to join these committees to help engage with our community and city in the year ahead. To join a committee, contact the committee chair. More information can be found here.  

"Independent, Locally Owned" Decals Available!

As announced at the May meeting, PHAMB currently has free decals from the Small Business Development center for independent, locally owned professional service companies (see sample decal below). If you would like a decal, come to the General Membership Meeting, or contact Jamaica at [email protected].


May PHAMB Membership Meeting Summary

Miss the May PHAMB General Membership Meeting? No worries - you can find a summary of the meeting by clicking here.  

Potrero Hill Fun Fact of the Month: Famous Residents

Did you know that O.J. Simpson, Wayne Thiebaud, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti have all lived on the Hill? (source: Wikipedia.) 

Potrero Hill Association of Merchants and Businesses (PHAMB)
1459 18th Street, Box #105
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 341-8949

President/Planning Cmte Chair
Keith Goldstein

[email protected]

Marketing Cmte Chair
Michelle Stephens [email protected]

Membership Cmte Chair
Bradley Vaccaro [email protected] 

Operations Manager
Jamaica Maxwell [email protected] 


Upcoming Meeting Reminders:

*June 9, 10 am: Membership Comte

*June 10, 10 am: Gen Membership

*June 17, 6:30 pm: Marketing Comte

*June 24, 10 am: Exec Comte Mtg

*June 24, 7 pm: Muni discussion (at Boosters Meeting) 

*June 26, 4-7 pm: Member mixer at the Pub at UCSF Mission Bay!


Welcome New Members! 





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Potrero Hill Association of Merchants and Businesses
1459 18th Street, Box #105
San Francisco, CA 94107, California